Providing activities for people with disabilities
Our Story
Established in 2017 to meet the needs of northern Tasmanians by providing access to professional vocation performing arts training and adapting it to be accessible and inclusive for those with disabilities. This evidence-based social enterprise was initiated in collaboration with Sally Crates, Sara Wright, Mark Deverell and Ian Wright of St Giles Society to further the social and therapeutic benefits and opportunities to the wider community. With the support of partners, Launceston College, Studio Space started a pilot program in inclusive drama and performance making.
As well as performing arts programs, Studio Space has collaborated to facilitate PhotograME (Inclusive Photography program) and the Sound E Scape podcasting program with Bent Eared Records and City Park Radio.
Studio Space has collaborated and performed with Junction Arts Festival, Interweave and Remade, Australian Musical Theatre Festival, Mona Foma, Tamar Peace Festival, Bunnings Warehouse, The Launceston International Bowls Tournament, Balfour Burn, Tarraleah Tasmania Performs, Taking the Lead – A Pet Parade for Peace, Sawtooth Gallery, New Horizons James Bond Ball, the Launceston competitions, Princess Theatre - Welcome Home concert, Playgroup Tasmania, St Patrick’s College and Queechy College.
By the end of 2017, the groups had doubled and culminated in the first Studio Space Showcase at Launceston College. In 2018, Studio Space launched several new streams of programs including the mainstream program - SING DANCE ACT! Dance with Melissa Wimmer and collaborated with Perth Primary School to create a new musical. The 2018 Studio Space Showcase featured a cast of 50 individuals of all abilities at the Princess Theatre Launceston. The ages of the performers were from 5 years to 63 years old. This was presented with the generous support of sponsors and a grant from Arts Tasmania. In 2019, the ensemble of Studio Space artists presented the Studio Space Showcase at The Horton Auditorium at Scotch Oakburn College. In 2021, Studio Space produced its first full-length musical with the Rocky Monster Show performed at the University of Tasmania (Pictured).
Studio Space has won the Launceston Competitions Support Schools Music Presentations 2019, 2021, and 2022 and the Open Drama Class categories with Project Vulcan in 2022.
Studio Space artists have collaborated to create 10 original theatre works including
“Channel Surfing” & “Sleigh, you think you got talent” 2017
“Superhero wedding in the gorge”
“Why don’t Guinea pigs have a tail?”
“Pub masters” 2018
“Journey to the East”
“Launceston 7250”
“Olympus’s’ Next Top Immortal”
“Taking the Bacon” 2019
“Project Vulcan” 2022
Studio Space has engaged with over 150 individual clients for over 5 years, through school residencies, programs and workshops in drama, musical theatre, dance, podcasting, and photography.